How To Dry Basil In The Oven

Basil is one of the most popular herbs in the kitchen. A corresponding amount of it is also planted in the garden. In the summer you have tons of it and at some point, you don’t know what to do with it anymore. Drying basil is a great way to save your growth over the winter. We’ll show you how to do it, whether you want to dry your basil in the oven.

How To Dry Basil In The Oven

Drying basil in the oven is similar to that in a dehydrator. The procedure is basically the same. However, there are two disadvantages, which is why I cannot recommend the oven. The lesser evil is the hermetically sealed door, which makes it difficult for moisture to escape. You should open the door regularly and let the moisture escape. What is more serious, however, is that most ovens only start at 50 degrees Celsius. As a result, the basil leaves can be dried very quickly, but the aroma suffers significantly.
It’s better not to heat up all the time. 30 minutes at 50 degrees is enough. We then leave the oven closed and the basil remains in it for another 12 hours.

Other Methods of Drying Basil

Dry basil – in the air

The gentlest way to dry basil is in the fresh air. To do this, the picked basil leaves are simply tied together and hung upside down. However, the location should not be exposed to full sun. It is better to choose a shady place where a little breeze blows regularly. You don’t necessarily have to dry basil outdoors, a place by a tilted window is also suitable.

However, this type of drying is the slowest. It takes about one to two weeks, depending on the location, until the basil is completely dry. The leaves should no longer bend, but break straight away, then it’s done.

Dry the basil – with the dehydrator

My favorite method of drying basil is with a dehydrator. The herb can also be gently dried in it to around 30 to 35 degrees. The higher the temperature selected, the faster it goes, but the taste is lost here too.

It is best to wash the basil before drying and then dry it well with a kitchen towel. The individual leaves are now spread side by side on the grids, preferably on baking paper or special herb mats, and dried in the dehydrator for a day.

We like to recommend the dehydrator from Byzoo. It has a handy size and is more energy efficient than many other devices thanks to the separate cover. In addition, the warm air is distributed very evenly over all herbs, which in turn leads to a very even drying result.

Proper storage of dried basil

If you go through the trouble of drying your basil, you naturally want to preserve its aroma for as long as possible. Here, too, you can contribute to better enjoyment by storing it correctly. The basil should be stored in an airtight jar or box. The dried leaves should be broken as little as possible so they keep their flavor longer.

Conclusion – dry basil

If you have time and patience, you should dry your basil outdoors in the fresh air. The golden mean is drying with the help of the dehydrator, only the oven is not necessarily recommended. Now you are armed and can successfully dry your basil harvest.

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