How To Store Fresh Cilantro

If you have fresh cilantro at home, then knowing how to properly store it is essential. In order to preserve the optimal flavor of cilantro, here are our top tips for storing this aromatic herb.

Coriander: history and characteristics

A herb known since Antiquity, coriander was once used by the Romans to preserve their meat, and by the Hebrews to preserve their pancakes. It is generally found on light, warm and calcareous soils, and grows in the sun or partial shade. Cilantro can also grow indoors. However, there is no season to eat coriander, it can be found all year round. The latter is entirely edible (you can eat the stems and the leaves).

How To Store Fresh Cilantro?

Coriander is an herb that is not used in large quantities. It is therefore essential to keep it well so that it is fresh and lasts longer. Here are the different ways to best store cilantro.

Preserving cilantro with salt

If you want to make your cilantro last longer, consider salt. This is one of the best ways to store your cilantro. Just follow these steps:

  • Wash and dry your cilantro;
  • Cut the branches and leaves, and mix them with salt, adding two spoons of salt for each half cup of cilantro;
  • Pour the mixture into a glass container, cover it, and place it in your fridge;
  • Whenever you want to use cilantro salt, substitute the salt you need in any recipe with the same amount of this mix, to provide the same amount of salt, but with more cilantro flavor.

Storing cilantro by wrapping it

Another tip for storing cilantro: wrap the herb in a cotton cloth or aluminum foil to store it for up to 10 days. Manual :

  • Wash your coriander with water, wiping it gently;
  • Place it on your paper or fabric;
  • Cover your cilantro;
  • Without crushing the coriander, fold the ends of your paper or fabric so that the foot of the coriander bundle remains as moist as possible;
  • Put your coriander in the fridge to keep it.

Storing cilantro by freezing it

Another method is to freeze cilantro. This preserves its color. Simply:

  • Wash the coriander then dry it;
  • Cut the cilantro (or leave the twigs whole);
  • Place the herb in plastic wraps or containers and place them in the freezer.

Store cilantro in water

You can also store cilantro in the water! To do this, we advise you to follow these steps:

  • Remove damaged leaves and stems and wash the rest of your cilantro;
  • Dry your cilantro;
  • Put the cilantro in a glass container filled with water. The stems, as well as the roots, must be submerged in order to properly preserve the cilantro. As for the leaves, they must remain on the surface;
  • This method only works for storing cilantro for a few days. Otherwise, it is recommended to store it in the fridge or freeze it. Nevertheless, you can change your water every day, in this case, the coriander will remain fresh for up to a fortnight maximum.

That’s it, you now know how to store your cilantro! In terms of recipes, you have a choice since this aromatic herb is very fragrant and can be used to enhance a large number of dishes.

What foods to cook coriander with?

Coriander, eaten fresh, can spice up your dishes containing poultry, fish, fresh vegetables, and soups. It goes perfectly with carrots, whether in salads or soups.

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